海报/“A journey through liquid atomisation by high speed air and gas flows”专题讲座

  • 张瑜婧
  • 日期:2023-10-25
  • 2224

讲座时间:2023年10月26日 8:30-10:10

讲座地点:雁栖湖校区 教1-404

讲座题目:A journey through liquid atomisation by high speed air and gas flows


Stéphane Zaleski,索邦大学科学与伟德BETVLCTOR教授,2009至2018年曾担任达朗贝尔研究所所长(隶属巴黎六大)。Zaleski教授的主要研究方向是多相流数值模拟,涵盖开源软件开发(SUFFER和PARIS Simulator)、气泡和液滴动力学、湍流及相变问题等多个领域。Zaleski教授曾获法国国家科学研究中心CNRS银奖,入选法兰西大学研究院IUF高级成员(Senior member)和美国物理学会理事(APS Fellow)。此外,他还担任计算流体力学旗舰期刊《Journal of Computational Physics》副主编,是多相流领域的国际一流专家。


I will explore various aspects of atomization, starting with the simulation and linear stability theory (both spatial and temporal) of two-phase mixing layers. I will show how Volume of Fluid methods coupled with octree Adaptive Mesh Refinement in particular lead to fast and massive computations. I will continue with experiments recently conducted by Pallav Kant Detlef Lohse and coworkers on an impulsively started shear flow mimicking cough. Finally I will discuss the so called Manifold Death method, inspired by Chinese writer Liu Cixin. The method allows to control the perforation of thin sheets in simulations. I will show that Manifold Death leads to statistically converged simulations, including the probability distribution function of droplet sizes.